Living History Kitchen
Learn about how cooking techniques from 400 years ago, and how meals were prepared in Elizabethan England. Visit our historical kitchen with earthen oven and talk to Living History reenactors about the foods, tools, and the fascinating history of cooking through the ages. You’ll be surprised at what is different and what is the same […]
Archery Through the Ages
All Weekends.
Demonstrations of archery and bow making, as well as a daily archery tournament.
The Village Blacksmith
See sparks fly at the daily live demonstrations of traditional blacksmithing. Learn about the history of this ancient art and discover how raw metal is forged and hammered into to tools and works of art.
Poppet’s Pastymes for Children
Bring the little ones to Poppet’s Pastymes Childrens’ area for silly renaissance-themed fun. Your kids will love the Paper Puppet show, Butterfly Dancing, games, costume dress-up, and more! While most of the shows at the Virginia Faire are enjoyed by children, these are specially designed for kids. Poppet’s Pastymes can be found in the shady […]
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